德國訊源品牌Lindemann會順應潮流推出USB DAC,說實在的,我一點都不感到意外,但真正讓我意外的是:這部USB DAC是真的支援道192KHz/24Bit的傳輸規格,不是假的唷!
我在上回高傳真361期USB DAC專題就提到,USB可傳輸的檔案格式與版本無關,但與接收與傳送晶片有關,什麼意思? 因為早在USB 1.1時代,其資訊最大傳輸量便可達12Mbps,若以24bit/192Khz的音樂格式來換算,其音樂位元率為192000乘以24,等於4608000 bps,也就是4.39Mbps。按道理說,USB 1.1時代就應該有192Khz/24bit取樣解析的USB DAC,結果,從未曾出現,為什麼?一方面與當年YAMAHA制定0AC97 Codec與USB音頻傳輸通訊協定有關,另外一方面也與器材本身的USB接收、解碼晶片的規格是否能處理龐大的訊息量有關。所以說,真正影響USB DAC接收、解碼規格的關鍵在於晶片,而非USB版本。
此外,為什麼多數USB DAC都只能傳到96KHz?因為多數USB DAC都是採自適應模式,所以,您必須受限於電腦端的USB傳輸規格,而USB的音頻傳輸規格又受限於AC 97,而AC97的規格是多少?96/20。要怎樣突破AC97的限制?那就是要寫一個驅動韌體,於電腦端執行,告訴電腦端,這部USB裝置處理請不要經過AC97的SRC,如此一來,訊號就可以直接傳到外部USB裝置。像是North Star Design跟這部Lindemann再使用前都要安裝軟體的原因就是這樣。
USB DAC不再只是3C電腦族的玩物,越來越多Hi-End品牌紛紛推出音響等級的USB DAC,也包括德國大廠Lindemann,的產品是袖珍精緻的USB-DAC 24/192。
雖然USB-DAC 24/192的體積比便當盒還小,看來毫不起眼,但它有個其他人都比不上的地方,就是它除了Toslink與Coax輸入可支援至24bit/192kHz超高解析訊號,其USB輸入也同樣能接受24bit/192kHz訊號,而目前大多數的USB DAC只能支援到24bit/96kHz而已。此外,USB-DAC 24/192也能接受多種取樣頻率,像是88.2與176.4 kHz都照吃不誤,讓你的各種高解析音樂檔案都能原汁原味播出,而不需藉由軟體降頻或重新取樣。
不論你是PC還是Mac的用家,都可以順利使用USB-DAC 24/192。如果你是Mac用家,而且作業系統版本在10.6.4以上,可直接使用USB-DAC 24/192。由於目前Windows 7、Vista與XP尚未支援88.2與176.4 kHz傳輸,因此需安裝隨附於盒內的驅動程式,才可讓USB-DAC 24/192順利工作。此外,USB-DAC 24/192之全平衡的、快速的電流輸出,來自一顆5V外接的交換式電源供應器,可以提供你意想不到的聲音表現。
Toslink/Coax支援取樣頻率:32 / 44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz
USB支援取樣頻率:44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz
輸出電平:1.4 V @ 0 dBFS
輸出阻抗:100 Ω
訊噪比:-108 dB
總諧波失真:< 0.02 % (0 dBFS),< 0.001 % (-10 dBFS)
動態範圍:120 dB
頻率響應:1Hz-22kHz (-3dB)
尺寸:120 x 45 x 133mm (寬 x 高 x 深)
重量:395 g
外接電源供應:5V/500 mA maximum
The Lindemann USB-DAC 24/192 is a digital to analog converter with a wealth of potential applications. Whether you choose to use it as an external sound card for your computer, to update the sound quality of older digital components, or to get more out of your TV or Blue Ray device - its musical capabilities will add greatly to your listening pleasure.
The USB-DAC 24/192 offers owners of the legendary CD1(SE) an easy way of upgrading to the sound quality of current Lindemann models.
Refined Upsampling Process
Sophisticated circuit engineering, the latest generation of electronic components and an upsampling process refined over many years deliver a sound experience previously unheard of in this price class. There is absolutely no hint of the "digital" harshness of other players.
Minimum Phase Apodizing Filter
Making a major contribution to this characteristic are innovative digital filter processes such as the "minimum phase apodizing filter". It suppresses the filtering of the original recording and replaces it with a new filter showing a natural impulse response. This post-processing leads to a significant improvement of less than optimal recordings – during playback!
USB Audio Class 2
The USB-DAC 24/192 is one of the first "USB Audio Class 2" components worldwide capable of 24 bit/192 kHz resolution. It makes playing downloaded studio quality recordings simplicity itself and opens up totally new possibilities for digital music playback.
All Customary Data Formats over Mac and PC
The USB-DAC 24/192 handles all costumary data formats, i.e. 44.1 kHz/ 48 kHz/ 88.2 kHz/ 96 kHz/ 176.4 kHz/ 192 kHz. Apple Computers (from OSX 10.6.4/ Snow Leopard) need no additional drivers to play these data formats.
Lindemann Driver for Windows OS
The 88.2 kHz and 176.4 kHz formats are not supported as standard by the Windows operating systems XP, Vista und 7, which require a kernel driver to be installed. A driver authenticated for Lindemann is contained on the CD supplied with the USB-DAC 24/192.
Highly effective, active Jitter Reduction
The USB-DAC 24/192 features an additional, active jitter reduction circuit based on a digital PLL and memory buffering of the digital stream. The remaining jitter of the signal (not only of the clock!) is below 50ps. This feature promises a great sonic improvement for your stereo equipment.
Ultrafast Output Section with Current Feedback
The fully balanced, ultrafast output section with current feedback exhibits virtually perfect time domain behaviour. Also contributing to this DAC’s exceptional musicality are the low negative feedback, the first-order analog filter and the lack of op amps.